Sunday, June 27, 2010

Back to childhood...

I started learning German from Saturday. It's been a great experience so far...learning a new language and more importantly a new culture...

Learning a new language is akin to going back to childhood. We all have to recite words, phrases, sentences, questions, numerals with our instructor. There's music (German of course) and video as well. It's great fun. The fellow students are fun as well.

And yeah...for the first time in my life I'm in a classroom environment where the sex ratio favors the men...8 girls to 7 guys...quite unlike my engineering and management days where girls were a precious and rare commodity.

Well...its been good so far. Now I have decide what to learn next. There's a toss up between Tennis or Guitar. Tennis looks to be a good option but I don't know whether my weak left leg would cope with it. Guitar seems to be a safe bet.

Gute Nacht...

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