Saturday, May 2, 2009

Year Long Project Viva or is it?

I have my Year-Long Project (affectionately called YLP/DLP/WLP and probably many more variations...) viva scheduled today. To begin with, I must give an accurate description of what is a Year-Long Project.

University of Mumbai states the following objective of the YLP:

"The objectives of the project would be to see that a student does research work in any “Area of Management” related to the field of specialisation."

Basically, we are required to sign up under a guide, select a topic, carry out primary research, come to certain conclusions and then proceed to take viva-voce. All this has to be carried out over a period of two semesters. Right.

Students of MMS-II JBIMS define YLP/DLP/WLP as:

"The objectives of the project would be to see that a student cuts-copies-pastes someone elses acknowledged work in any “Area of Management” even if it is vaguely related to their field of specialisation."

The objectives that we need to follow are:
  1. The topic should have enough material to make a 50 page report.
  2. There should be enough gas or management terminology to dazzle the interviewer into believing that a fantastic piece of research work sits before him.
  3. Revision of the entire topic should not take more than 30 min prior to the viva (for some, the requirement maybe that no revision is even needed).
  4. Maximum marks must be guaranteed.

A comprehensive list of requirements is pretty much difficult to compile as they vary from student to student but these 4 form the gist.

As I open my report, I feel proud that my YLP is actually my original work. I have worked for a full 6 months on it. The work done is rudimentary and might not stand a full-fledged viva but should get me through.

Enough said...let me get back to a last game of Crazy Taxi before I dive into the world of "Selection of a Daily Settlement Pricing Methodology for the Clearing & Settlement of Options Contracts".

Till then...

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